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My First Husband
My first husband's name was Claude Ray but he had rather be called CR.  He was good at everything he did and reminded me of Trump .  He was a home builder in the beginning of our marriage but moved to commercial endeavors eventually such as motels and more.  (I will replace a picture of him when I locate one.)  He was a very good father.  At the very end of his life, which lasted 66 years, he went into the underground boring business. This type of business installs cable to onnect electronic equipment in large corporations.  Everyone respected him.  He was an avid deer hunter and killed five deer in one day once.  As for our marriage, he created many interesting memories for both of us. 
House I Built
My first husband died at the age of 66 years old. After my husband's death, I had to move and I sold our house.  I decided to build a house on an island located on the Gulf of Mexico.  I wanted my children to enjoy the beach when they visited. Being married to a builder like my husband, I learned how to build a house.  This is a picture of the house I built with only the help of subcontractors.   However, my grown children  were busy building their own lives and rarely had time to visit me..
My Second Husband
I had no intention of marring again after my first husband died.  Howecer, I met Bill in church.  His wife died of cancer.  After a reasonable length of time, we began to email to each other.  Soon, we began to go out to eat after church.  It took a short while but we did other things.  We began to talk about getting married.  He was very depressed.  I made a good decision and we got married.  Bill was a very intelligent man with a master's degree in Industrial Management.  He had served as a Marine Capitan for six years.  When he got out of the Mariens, he was hired by a large accounting company and eventualy becane the CEO of the company. He was retired from the company by the time we married. We were happily married for 8 years and he passed away in his sleep with a heart attack.  He was a gentleman and made me a very good husand. 

University of Mobile

I earned my first nursing degree, an Associate Degree in Nursing, at the University of Mobile.. This is a very good school where I learned all the basics of the nursing profession. It took over two years. I then immediately transferred back to University of South Alabama to earn my Bachelor of Science Degree.

University of South Alabama

I earned my second degree, a Batchelor of Science Degree in Nursing, at the University of South Alabama. This hospital is basically considered a medical university, although they offer other degrees. The University owns a hospital where the doctors, nurses, and other medical people can work on patients with varying diseases. They only owned one hospital when I attended school and worked there. This was my favorite hospital to work in. However, they have recently purchased another well-known hospital in the city owned by Catholic Nuns I attended the University of South Alabama for over two years where I learned the laws associated with the nursing profession. The main thing I learned was "if it is not charted, it wan't done" if you find yourself in a court of law.

School of Hard Knocks

I have learned more from this College than I learned from the other two Universities combined. I learned the skill of managing my assignments, dealing with the administration, patients and their families, other nurses, numerous staff members in other departments, and doctors. This was the hardest part to learn. I came in contact with numerous types of personalities and a variety of character values that did not mesh harmoniously with mine.

Working as a Registered Nurse

I finally graduated after over four years to attain a degree that would allow me to work as a registered nurse in a hospital setting, I was disappointed. It was rewarding work but flawed with an overwhelming amount of problems. For one thing, I graduated and started to work in the middle of a serious nursing shortage.